Frequently Asked Questions About Ivo


We have recently made this our first FAQ question because we too are very tired and frustrated with vendors either not having multiple points of contact, or making them difficult to find, or making us jump through hoops just to get to report a problem with THEIR software, or to speak to a human!

You are paying a vendor good money to use their software, so obtaining support should be blazingly easy.

While email is our primary point of contact, we will call you as needed.

Email: support@1024.com.au

Post: 28 Dorset Drive, Kingston  TAS  7050

Of course!  Simply click the “Book a Free Demonstration” button at the bottom-left corner of any page on the Ivo website.  If you prefer, you can call us on 1300 92 40 10, or send an email to support@1024.com.au.

The Ivo application can be used on our Microsoft Azure cloud server, or on your own premise.  Our Microsoft Azure cloud server exists strictly on Australian-based servers only.

While this is a very subjective question, and will likely be different for every organisation, there are a few factors that we can note –

  • There aren’t many software applications written specifically for small to medium community organisations.  Of those that we have identified, Ivo is the least expensive.
  • We don’t provide discounts as an organisation gets larger.  We believe that all community organisations generally face the same basic issue of trying to do as much as possible with limited funding.  Therefore we have priced Ivo as inexpensively as we can, and that price applies to all our customers, big and small.
  • We also don’t have complicated pricing tiers that put “top-shelf” features in a higher-priced bracket.  All functions are available to all users, at the one low price.


Another consideration is value

  • Ivo supports a variety of commonwealth and state funded programs, and we will generally add support for additional commonwealth or state funded programs at no additional cost.
  • If a supported program changes its reporting requirements (either by changing the data elements collected, or the content or format of the report, or the mechanism for delivery) we update Ivo to meet the new requirements, at no additional cost.
  • Ivo is highly customisable and can be customised to the unique needs of any organisation, beyond just funder requirements.  You can use Ivo to manage any program, service, or function, your organisation performs.  If your organisation were to start providing car mechanical services, Ivo could easily be customised to manage that service, including all required data elements (client, make, model, colour, engine type etc), customer bookings and so on.  Therefore, for many organisations Ivo will enable you to save money by being able to get rid of other paid software and move the management of those programs, services, and functions into Ivo.

We provide a lot of support at no cost, such as basic questions about how to use specific functions within Ivo.  Additional support is billed at the below ‘pre-paid’ or ‘post-paid’ rate.

We also provide boutique services such as training and report writing, and rarely we may need to resolve an issue on your computer or organisation’s infrastructure (although most often we would refer such requirements to your IT provider, but if you don’t have one for example, we can usually provide assistance).  These services are charged at the following rates –

  • pre-paid: $100 per hour (ex GST) when purchased in blocks of 5 hours or more
  • post-paid: $125 per hour (ex GST)


Please note, pre-paid support never ‘expires’.  In the event you purchase more hours than actually required, we are also happy for you to use the pre-paid support balance towards Ivo subscription fees.  Some organisations purchase pre-paid support hours at the end of the financial year when they are not certain what their upcoming license and support requirements will be – knowing they have the flexibility to utilise the “pre-paid support” in any way is very beneficial for them.

We do our best to limit and reduce costs to your organisation.  There are extensive help articles and videos available via the Ivo knowledge base that enable many users to learn Ivo on their own and at their own pace.  We also find that once an organisation has been using Ivo for a little while they are generally able to self-train new staff.

This is a reasonably common requirement – for short-term projects for example.

Where an organisation generally purchases all their licenses on an annual basis, then short-term licenses are billed at the annual rate, but pro-rated.

For example, if you need a license for say, 6 months, the cost would be $275 (ie. $550 ÷ 2), rather than $55/month × 6 months (which would be $330!).

Ivo supports numerous commonwealth and state funded programs ‘out-of-the-box’ – whenever the reporting requirements of these programs change, Ivo is updated at no additional cost to your organisation.  If you receive new funding for a program that is not currently supported in Ivo, talk to us – we generally add new commonwealth and state funded programs at no additional cost.

If the changed requirements are more unique to your organisation, such as for your organisation’s board or a local government funded program, these would typically be billed.  However please note that we have designed Ivo to be easily customised, therefore most changes can typically be implemented in less than an hour, and many in less than 30 minutes.  Some particularly complex requirements may of course take longer.

Simply send an email to support@1024.com.au requesting for an account to be setup.  Due to the flexibility of Ivo and its ability to be customised for almost any requirement, we will get in touch with you to discuss your requirements so that we can provide the right foundation and setup for your organisation.  Once we have the information we need, we will have your account setup and ready to go within one business day.  We then invite your staff to register.

Don’t worry, Ivo can still be customised later as well, it just helps you enormously if we get the basic foundations done for you.  We provide up to 5 hours of free labour to achieve this.  Particularly complex requirements may take longer than this and will be billed at our ‘pre-paid’ rate.

A fundamental principle we hold is that your data, is your data.  Ivo provides options to export all your data in different formats (CSV, JSON).